Saturday, 26 July 2014

I remember

I Remember

In a ground
that offered little
to console the eye
a wattle tree
erupted into life:
great lave spills
of sulphur-coloured flowers
washed down its slopes
on every side.

With daring,
deafening sound
it broke its winter
mood of gloom
and gave us all
that early spring
a feast of wattle bloom.

Bruce Smith

I remember when the poet who wrote this poem, Bruce Smith, lectured me at Bible College on systematic theology in 1996. He taught me a lot about creation, the trinity, the life, death and ministry of Jesus Christ. He had an acute theological mind.
I remember Bruce as a sort of 'cultural ambassador', taking groups of students to concerts at the Sydney Opera House. He also hosted film nights at his home in Newtown.
I remember Bruce as a spiritual father, at a time when I was suffering a bout of depression and needed one, just as Paul was to the Corinthians 1 Cor 4:15.
Bruce with his students hosting a film night

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