Recently, I went to the opening of the Art from the Inside art exhibition at a Correctional Centre not far from where I live and was impressed by the quality of some the art on display. The theme of the exhibition was 'Searching for the Light' and there were a number of paintings on the theme of light and darkness. But I was struck especially by a coloured pencil drawing by an inmate from Long Bay of the scene of the taking down of Jesus' body from the cross. It showed Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Mary the mother of Jesus and another woman. (I don't know for sure who the other woman is. From John 19:25-26 it could be either Mary's sister or Mary the wife of Clopas or even Mary Magdalena).
Touched by Silence |
His caption matches the scene very well: 'His silence is not only Death, it is our Hope and Salvation. Great silence touches my heart.' In his drawing, he also captured the sense of haste in the activity. The Sabbath was fast approaching. Jesus' body had to be quickly taken down for burial.
I hope this drawing touches your heart as well.